08 December, 2011


1. Most galaxies have a black hole at the center. Ours is no exception. The center of our galaxy is called SAGITTARIUS A, and it houses a black hole with a mass of 40,000 Suns that is 14 million miles across

2. Milky way galaxy contains of more than 200 billions stars.

3. Diameter of our galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years. The largest neighboring galaxy to Milky Way is Andromeda galaxy.

4. The oldest star in Milky way galaxy is 13.2 billion years old which is known as HE 1523. it is almost as old as the Universe itself.

5. The Milky Way belongs to group of barred spiral galaxies, which means that it is a spiral galaxy with a bar-shaped structure that consists of billions of stars.

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